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Circle Cliff Ranch Alpacas

Let our Alpacas Put a Smile on Your Face

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Praline Sundae's Cabled Headband

Hand spun Cabled Alpaca
$10.00 (12%)
SKU: 101PS
Call to Order: 801-597-0124
Once a year we shear our alpacas. They gift us with the most luxurious fleece imaginable. Praline Sundae maybe 17 years old, but her fleece is still the quality that she blessed us with when she was a young maiden.

I'm blessed to hand spin this, and love the challenge of knitting cables beautiful rose wood needles. It can be tricky for some, but for me it is heavenly and relaxing. It takes a good amount of time to create this wearable art, but it's worth it to value Praline Sundae's gift and to share my love for her with you.

Made from 100% alpaca, this will "give" or stretch some. Size small to medium now.

Be sure to store this in a zip-lock bag during the long months you won't be wearing it. Moth larvae love to nibble on alpaca as much as they love wool.

Alpaca is three times warmer than wool, is fire retardant and is water repellant, Isn't that remarkable?

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Payment in full, then I will ship within three business days. We are in a very rural area and our post office closes very early each day.