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Circle Cliff Ranch Alpacas

Let our Alpacas Put a Smile on Your Face

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My Beautiful Friend

I have a beautiful friend who has spent the last couple of days with me. The time has gone by too fast for me.

Lorrie, thank you for making the effort and giving me you! We have been friends for many (55) years. We’re not even 55 years old, so I’m not sure how that happened, but it’s true! I think we were buds in Heaven before coming to Earth.

Lorrie learned how to make honey wheat bread, gather eggs, feed alpacas and how to avoid getting spit on by them. We had adventures in Torrey, at Capital Reef National Park, and Boulder, Utah. And she got to go to a Planning and Zoning meeting (boy oh boy) at the Courthouse in Loa. She went to church with me, played with my cats and dogs. She helped me at the Farmer’s Market in Torrey on Saturday. She gave me more good memories to add to my arsenal of memories should I ever get lonely.

Thank you, my beautiful friend, and I already miss you.