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Circle Cliff Ranch Alpacas

Let our Alpacas Put a Smile on Your Face

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Birthday Celebrations at the Ranch

Birthday Party Central
Birthday guests feeding the girls

Birthday guests feeding the girls

Everyone, even Odin, loves the attention

Everyone, even Odin, loves the attention

Alpacas definitely make you smile!

Alpacas definitely make you smile!

April has been the month of birthdays, and Circle Cliff Ranch Alpacas has been "Birthday Party" central.

We have celebrated so many personalized birthday parties here this month. Each one has been joyous and unique in their own ways. Each have left me smiling and so happy that we (Odin, the alpacas and I) could be a part of memories that were made to last a lifetime.

One birthday was especially perfect.
Organized months ahead of time by friends, the birthday girl didn't know where they were headed except she knew they were headed hours away from home (and staying overnight somewhere). Separated by thousands of miles from her husband (who is serving our country on active duty) she was overwhelmed by all of her friends and loved ones who planned this special day for her. 

Who do you know that could use a special, once-in-a-lifetime memory? Or is this person you? It just takes a phone call, text or email.

Book that special event now.